Innovation Zone I-Zone

View best-in-class emerging information display technologies at Display Week.

The Innovation Zone at Display Week

The I-Zone was created to provide researchers with space to demonstrate their prototypes or other hardware demo units at the premier display exhibition in North America. The I-Zone also offers Display Week attendees a chance to view best-in-class emerging information display technologies in a dedicated area on the show floor. Access to this exhibition space was earned through a highly competitive selection process.

Apply to I-Zone 2025

Deadline for I-Zone application is March 15, 2025

I-Zone was created to provide a special exhibit area for technology prototypes, proofs of concept, and new products that have been on the market no more than six months prior to Display Week.

Selected companies/universities/institutions gain several key benefits:

  1. Free publicity: Show your new products and technology to the entire SID community.
  2. Expert feedback: Hear what I-Zone committee members – professionals with established track records in industry/academia – have to say about your technology.
  3. Free exhibit space: Demonstrate your prototype in the dedicated I-Zone area of the exhibit hall during SID’s Display Week Exhibition, May 13-15, 2025.

New: Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult the I-Zone FAQ before submitting